Episode 76: Thriving Out Loud

Published: March 30, 2017, 12:56 p.m.

So seriously, what is up with the fear of, and stigma around, aging? We all age, so why not embrace it fully? In Episode 76, Christine and Asha talk with Karen Walrond (in person at the BE Conference in Austin) about her photo project focused on women over 40 (and how it evolved into a book), embracing age, intention setting and life mission statements, finding light in the world, and how thriving is a way you move through life. + + + + + Christine Koh and Asha Dornfest are the co-authors of MINIMALIST PARENTING and the award-winning bloggers behind BostonMamas.com (CK) and ParentHacks.com (AD). You’ll find the show notes for this episode, including links to resources we’ve mentioned, at http://edityourlifeshow.com. Do you have a question, comment, or show topic idea for us? Would you like to sponsor an upcoming episode? We’d love to hear from you. Send an email to edityourlifeshow@gmail.com, or leave a comment at facebook.com/edityourlifeshow.