Episode 41: Smarter Smartphone Use

Published: June 9, 2016, 1:10 p.m.

The Internet has changed how we learn, shop, and entertain ourselves. But it’s easy to forget that, not so long ago, that meant sitting at a computer. Smartphones turned the Internet and connected technology into a constant companion -- and there are definite pros and cons to that constant companion. In Episode 41, Christine and Asha share 10 tips for how to smartly use smartphones to help edit our lives, not turn into something that needs to be edited. Do you have a question, comment, or show topic idea for us? Would you like to sponsor an upcoming episode? We’d love to hear from you via facebook.com/edityourlifeshow, by tagging your Instagram or Twitter posts with #edityourlifeshow, or via edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. You’ll find show notes for this episode, including links to resources we’ve mentioned, at edityourlifeshow.com.