Episode 179: Dumpster Fire Survival 101

Published: Oct. 24, 2019, 10:30 a.m.

When life is a dumpster fire, sometimes the best medicine is to...jump further into the fire? Perhaps not for everyone, but in Episode 179, Christine flies solo as host and flips her recent experiences dealing with some very painful things to a positive space, sharing 9 ways that have proven helpful in managing dumpster fire life. + + + + + Edit Your Life shares practical ideas for decluttering your home, schedule, and mental space without getting bogged down by perfection. Hosts Christine Kohi and Asha Dornfest are award-winning bloggers and the co-authors of MINIMALIST PARENTING and won the 2017 Iris Award for Podcast Of The Year. Share: #edityourlifeshow Show notes: http://www.edityourlifeshow.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edityourlifeshow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edityourlifeshow/ Email: edityourlifeshow@gmail.com