Did Society Fail Them? [EP 001 Mr. Freeze]

Published: Feb. 12, 2020, 8:42 p.m.

b'Have you ever wondered what would happen to your favorite villains, if they had an alternative back story? Instead of simply locking them away, if at their inception, we sought to understand them? If we chose to help them, as opposed to fight them?\\n\\nWhat if society didnt deem them to be \'bad guys\', and said "Hey, we can do more if you\'ll let us help you." Granted, if they chose this path, we wouldn\'t be left with the dope comics, movies, and characters we see today. Or, would we?... \\n\\nAs we reflect on these questions, we decided to begin a series called "Did Society Fail Them?". Here, we deep dive on some of your favorite villains. In an effort to understand them better, we will explore their origins, analyze some scenarios and finally ask that important question: Did society fail them? \\n\\nWe kick things off with Dr. Victor Freis, aka, Mr. Freeze. \\n\\nHis origin story is that of a romantic tragedy. \\n\\nListen and enjoy, all the while asking yourself - Did Society Fail Them?'