DnB Ep 232: 4th Anniversary Spectacular LIVE @ Bobalu Cigars with Graham Phillips, author of The Wisdom Keepers of Stonehenge

Published: Aug. 28, 2019, 12:49 a.m.

In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast we are LIVE at Bobalu Cigar Co. in Austin, TX with owner Jeff Lipton to yet again celebrate yet another Dudes n Beer moment…4 years on the air and host Christopher Jordan’s 44th birthday! We discuss the world of cigars, their history and production. We also have a report from Jon Bowne of Daily News Collective, a Mayan Prophecy update for the new Mayan calendar cycle by Carlos Cedillo and we are joined by special guest and author Graham Phillips to discuss his groundbreaking work in his new book The Wisdom Keepers of Stonehenge.
Author Graham Phillips has been described as an historical detective, a modern-day adventurer, and a real-life Indiana Jones. Whether you agree with his conclusions or not, Graham’s findings are always original and thought provoking, and his books make an exciting read.
Older than the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge is one of the most enigmatic monuments on Earth. Despite years of archaeology, experts are still baffled as to its original purpose, its creators – the Megalithic culture - having developed no form of writing to reveal its secrets. Amazingly, although Stonehenge is the most elaborate prehistoric monument in the British Isles, it is just one of thousands of stone circles erected here for centuries from around 3100 BC. The extent and complexity of this vast array of huge stone circles, massive earthworks, and giant monoliths, created by a people with nothing more than primitive tools, is truly astounding.

How did the same stone-circle-building tradition survive over such a large area when the people of the British Isles lived in separate, isolated communities, without the trappings of civilization? How and where did the tradition begin, why did it last for so long, and where did it finally end? Why were the stone circles built at all?
Join the Dudes n Beer podcast in this epic celebration of the freedom of exploration of thought and culture that is our 4th anniversary episode LIVE from Bobalu Cigars featuring an exclusive interview with author, Graham Phillips regarding his research into Stonehenge, the green stone and his new book The Wisdom Keepers of Stonehenge.
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