Hell Night

Published: Jan. 12, 2023, 1:59 a.m.

Applying for college can be extremely stressful. There’s always that particular school you dream about attending at since your early years. You never worry about any obstacles being put in your way as you coast through the teenage years into early adulthood. Obviously nothing can prepare you for failure, or rejection for something you’ve been passionate about for a long time. At the end, you choose your parents college they attended. Now, it may not be your first choice, but you’ll be carrying on your legacy. After arriving you realize frats, and sororities are very much a thing, oh yea and it’s the 80s. Initiations are fun for current members, but absolutely terrible for the “Fresh meat”. “ The phrase Going too far” has a level of ambiguity back in those times. Unfortunately we still hear about some of our youth experiencing it today. This movie at least doesn’t display an abundance of heinous acts. Locking the four freshman in an old Manor overnight is the least of their worries. I couldn’t wrap my head around the decision to make this a haunted house experience. What happened to a cemetery, an old morgue? It seemed lazy for the frat. I’d like to also point out the name, “Darth Manor” surely that’s a made-up name from the frat? I’m wondering if they couldn’t name the movie that because it would be too closely related to Star Wars, I digress. Hell Night starts the night of initiation. Character decisions are typically annoying in 80s films. But, this film has me scratching my head to some of the dialogue, and the decisions to follow right after. I feel that some do the events that followed resemble Vincent Price’s reign in 40s-60s. The atmosphere alone felt very on par to price movie, to me anyways. Even with Linda Blair on top of the horror scene, Exorcist star herself couldn’t make her past the painful moments. I will admit a few scenes were done fairly well, but that doesn’t excuse the overall distaste I had for it. I’d give this movie another watch if I was maybe inebriated, primarily to make up for the Foe awful walking scenes. So much scenes even time for people just walking. Suspense was and is nearly non-existent. I’m sure I’m one of the very few who disliked this movie. I was shocked myself I wouldn’t like it as much. Yet, it made for a fun episode to record.