20-1221 Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons (Part 2)

Published: Dec. 21, 2020, 9:41 p.m.

20-1221 Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons (Part 1), Dr. Cawthorn covers the history of "The Two Babylons" as an anti-Catholic religious pamphlet produced initially by the Scottish theologian and Protestant Presbyterian Alexander Hislop in 1853. The "Two Babylons" has been recognized by scholars as discredited and has been called a "tribute to historical inaccuracy and know-nothing religious bigotry" with "shoddy scholarship, blatant dishonesty" and a "nonsensical thesis."
Although scholarship has shown the picture presented by Hislop to be absurd and based on an exceedingly poor understanding of historical Babylon and its religion, his book remains popular among some fundamentalist Christians.
Although extensively footnoted, giving the impression of reliability, many historians and commentators (in particular Ralph Woodrow) have noted that there are numerous misconceptions, fabrications and grave factual errors in the document, and that this book follows the line of thought of works like: Martin Luther - On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520).
Hislop's work has been described as conspiracy theory propaganda which mixed "sketchy knowledge of Middle Eastern antiquity with a vivid imagination."
Scathing comparisons of the Roman Catholic Church to pagan religions is still made in the tracts, comic books, movies, and other media produced by Jack T. Chick's publication company Chick Publications. The specific description of Semiramis and her eventual return as Mary is made in the tract "Why is Mary Crying?" Chick and his publication company believe Hislop's theories to be true.


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