Zombie Moviegoers May Weather The Pandemic Better

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 8:42 p.m.


Vidcast:  https://youtu.be/om5xW8bg7EE


If you love post-apocalyptic films and tv, your psyche may be better prepared for the emotional turmoil of the CoVid pandemic.  Penn State psychologists in collaboration with two Danish experts on the psychology of horror surveyed 310 persons concerning their psychic resilience during CoVid.


Each participant was also polled about preparedness for the pandemic stress and about their preferences for entertainment featuring zombies, horror, the supernatural, alien invasion, crime, and pandemics vs comedy and romance.

The results: fans of horror films maintained better psychic resilience; and fans of so called-“prepper” genres including aliens, apocalypses, and zombies were both more resilient and better prepared.  Power up your Netflix and Prime Video.




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