Women Speak Up In College Classes Less Often

Published: Jan. 23, 2021, 9:28 p.m.


Vidcast:  https://youtu.be/4Gsr9PkXWaE


Despite a predominance of women in college, men tend to monopolize classroom discussions 60% more often than women.  Dartmouth sociologists analyzed 95 hours of classes covering a broad range of subject matter, and they recently published their findings in the journal Gender & Society.


Despite the fact that 55% of the classes had more women than men and were taught by women, men were 3 times more likely to speak out without raising their hands and were more likely to monopolize the conversations.  


The investigators, both women, are concerned that a so-called “chilly climate” for women continues dominate the college academic scene.  They encourage female students speak up and be heard.




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