Home Decontamination Of Filtration Facemasks

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 8:17 p.m.


Vidcast:  https://youtu.be/GOEHV368bss


With the CoVid pandemic raging and shortages of PPE once again occurring, you will want to know how to effectively recycle your N95, KN95, or HEPA masks.  From NY’s Columbia University come do-it-yourself methods that safely and economically eliminate virus while maintaining mask integrity, fit, and filtration parameters.


The investigators found that placing masks in breathable paper bags in a Cuckoo rice cooker with a stable temperature of  70˚C (160˚F) for one hour worked better than immersing masks protected by waterproof ziplock bags in water at 160˚F or in boiling water.  


 If you have an oven or toaster oven that maintains a stable temperature, use that.




#masks #heat #recycling #fit #filtration #covid