Cancer Passed Mother To Child Via Vaginal Delivery

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 7:05 p.m.




In two cases, cancers in a mother’s cervix were passed to their newborns during a vaginal delivery.  These reports from Japanese pediatric oncologists appeared in a recent New England Journal of Medicine.


One mother was belatedly diagnosed with metastatic squamous cell-neuroendocrine cervical cancer 3 months following her delivery, and her child developed a neuroendocrine carcinoma just prior to a second birthday.  The second mother was found to have a cervical adenocarcinoma, and her child developed a lung adenocarcinoma at age 6.  Genetic studies demonstrated link between maternal and child cancers.


Pregnant women with known or suspected cancerous or precancerous cervical or vaginal lesions should opt for c-sections.


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