Personal Training Tips From SobeFit Magazine Founder Marta Montenegro

Published: Oct. 20, 2009, 4:43 a.m.


On today\\u2019s show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on Marta\\nMontenegro, the founder\\nof SobeFit, who is our coach and she came on to help us get back on track.\\nWe are still trying to lose more weight so please send\\nyour tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to\\nadam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at \\


For more Dr Fitness\\nand the Fat Guy check out our Wellness Minutes blog where we give you\\nin depth information on health, fitness and weight loss topics in 3\\nminutes or less every single day. iTunes Follow me on Twitter @FatGuy
