Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Scott with FitFlop...The Flip Flop With The Gym Built In

Published: Sept. 30, 2008, 10:41 a.m.

b'First we will podcast our weekly\\nDr Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show in its entirety then we\\u2019ll\\nrelease just the guest interviews throughout the week.\\nSo please\\nclick POD to listen to this recent interview from the Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat\\nGuy Radio Show. Or now you can subscribe to just the interviews from our radio show on iTunes by clicking this link.

On\\ntonight\\u2019s\\nshow Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy\\xa0 chat with Scott from Fit Flop. Scott explained that the FitFlop is the most comfortbale sandal around. And he says that it is like walking around in a flip flop that gives you a workout as you walk. The Fit Flop was created in England by spa entrepreneur Marcia Kilgore, biomechanist Dr David Cook and a team of footwear engineering technologists. Their goal was to create a shoe that gave women a little workout as they walked - what they developed was the most comfortable flip flop ever made. Don\'t take my word for it - ask Oprah or ask the Fat Guy\'s wife. For more information please go to their website www.thefitflop.com

For more Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy check out our new Wellness Minutes\\nblog where we give you in depth information on health, fitness and\\nweight loss topics in 3 minutes or less every single day. Now available on iTunes right here

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