Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Nicci Micco from EatingWell Magazine And Learn All About Organic Food

Published: April 3, 2008, 10:22 a.m.

b'First we will podcast our weekly\\nDr Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show in its entirety then we\\u2019ll\\nrelease just the guest interviews throughout the week.\\nSo please\\nclick POD to listen to this recent interview from the Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat\\nGuy Radio Show.

We\\nlearn how all about organic food and the importance of eating local from Nicci Micco, Senior Editor of EatingWell magazine. \\n

Eating organic berries instead of conventional\\nones can reduce your exposure to pesticides, and recent research\\nsuggests that it also may give you a nutrient boost.


According to Marissa Lippert\\u2019s, M.S., R.D. article\\nin this month\\u2019s Eating Well magazine the bottom line is\\u2026\\u201cEating more\\nfresh fruits and vegetables in general [not necessarily organic ones]\\nis the point,? says Alyson Mitchell, Ph.D., an associate professor of\\nfood science and technology at University of California, Davis.


If buying all organic isn\\u2019t a priority\\u2014or a\\nfinancial reality for you\\u2014you might opt for organic specifically when\\nyou\\u2019re selecting foods that are most heavily contaminated with\\npesticide and insecticide residues. According to the Environmental\\nWorking Group (www.ewg.org), those include peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes and pears.


For more information about organics and eating\\nwell in general check out Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy\\u2019s favorite foodie\\nmagazine at www.eatingwell.com and when you\\u2019re their be sure to sign up for some of their great email newsletters.

\\n\\nFor more Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy check out our new Wellness Minutes\\nblog where we give you in depth information on health, fitness and\\nweight loss topics in 3 minutes or less every single day. Now available on iTunes right here

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