Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Living is Winning Documentary Star Drew Johnston and Director Linda Burns

Published: June 5, 2008, 11:33 a.m.

b'First we will podcast our weekly\\nDr Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show in its entirety then we\\u2019ll\\nrelease just the guest interviews throughout the week.\\nSo please\\nclick POD to listen to this recent interview from the Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat\\nGuy Radio Show. Or now you can subscribe to just the interviews from our radio show on iTunes by clicking this link.

On\\ntonight\\u2019s show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we were fortunate to have Living is Winning Director Linda Burns and Andrew \\u201cDrew\\u201d Johnston, star of this new\\ndocumentary that follows Drew\\u2019s rise from a cancer diagnosis to him\\ncompeting in an Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii.\\n

This is a great story - Drew is an elite athlete.\\nHe stared out as a competitive pro cyclist, but after a series of\\naccidents and concussions, he was forced to put down his bike.


Drew quickly changed gears and found success and a\\nnew career as a triathlete. But 2004 brought devastating news for his\\nfamily, his friends and his future. Drew was diagnosed with Chronic\\nMyelogenous Leukemia (CML) and his body literally broke down.


But two years later, after taking an\\noral chemo called Gleevac, and continuing his commitment to a healthy\\norganic lifestyle, rigorous targeted exercise and an extremely positive\\nmental attitude, Drew is in molecular remission.


Today, Drew competes at triathlons and Ironman\\nevents throughout the country with remarkable results. Drew\\u2019s life\\nstory serves as an inspiration to others, to strive to be your best in\\nevery aspect of life and to never give up your dreams, no matter how\\ndistant they may seem.


Their goal with the Living is Winning movie\\nis to reach audiences all over the world, engaging them with the\\npassion that exists in the sport of triathlons to encourage the passion\\nthat is necessary to continue the search for a cure for cancer. Living\\nis Winning will entertain everyone from triathletes to couch potatoes\\nwith action packed race footage, moving interviews, lots of humor and a\\ngreat original score. They hope to inspire every generation to eat\\nhealthy, exercise and become socially responsible through organizations\\nlike Team in Training and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Check\\nout the trailer and buy the dvd at www.livingiswinning.com

\\n\\nFor more Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy check out our new Wellness Minutes\\nblog where we give you in depth information on health, fitness and\\nweight loss topics in 3 minutes or less every single day. Now available on iTunes right here

\\nPlease be our friends! Look us up on all your favorite Social Networking sites like: Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, Bebo, Self Growth, Imeem, Squidoo, Xanga and\\nmore. And please don\\u2019t keep us a secret, if you enjoy Dr Fitness and\\nthe Fat Guy please forward this on to a friend and put links to our\\nwebsite and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
