Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Heather Bauer, Author of The Wall Street Diet

Published: April 8, 2008, 12:23 p.m.

b'First we will podcast our weekly\\nDr Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show in its entirety then we\\u2019ll\\nrelease just the guest interviews throughout the week.\\nSo please\\nclick POD to listen to this recent interview from the Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat\\nGuy Radio Show. Or now you can subscribe to just the interviews from our radio show on iTunes by clicking this link.

We\\nlearn how all about the surprisingly simple weight loss plan for hardworking people who\\ndon\\u2019t have time to diet from Heather Bauer, RD, CDN, author of The Wall\\nStreet Diet and founder of www.Nu-Train.com.

If your life is busy and chaotic then you should check this out. And you don\'t have to be working on Wall Street to benefit either. These strategies are perfect for stay at home moms, entrepreneurs or anyone who is on the go 24-7.\\n

Heather Bauer is a Registered Dietitian specializing in the\\ninterrelation between eating habits, metabolism, and lifestyle. Since\\n2001, she has offered private diet and nutrition counseling through her\\nNew York City-based nutrition practice, Nu-Train.


Ms. Bauer received her RD from the University of Wisconsin and\\nstarted her career in the pre- and post-natal nutrition unit at\\nMaimonides Medical Center in New York, and as a staff nutritionist at\\nEquinox Fitness Clubs.


Ms. Bauer has appeared as a featured nutritionist in several health\\nand beauty publications including Elle, Marie Claire, Gotham, Self,\\nSeventeen, YM, TimeOut, New York Magazine, and Fitness Magazine. She\\nhas also appeared as a guest expert on the CBS Early Morning Show as\\nwell as FOX News.


Her brand new book THE WALL STREET DIET: The Surprisingly Simple\\nWeight Loss Plan for Hardworking People Who Don\\u2019t Have Time to Diet\\xa0 is available at her website www.wallstreetdiet.com.


Heather, a dietician, directs her flexible plan at people who would\\nnever go for prepackaged meals or calorie counting. Her clientele are\\nworkaholics who grab meals on the go, do business over expense-account\\nlunches and are frequently confronted by unhealthy treats in the\\nconference room or at office parties. Bauer claims her approach makes\\nlosing weight a seamless part of the corporate lifestyle rather than an\\nadd-on project to an already full schedule.


First, readers are asked to decide if they are a Clean Plate Clubber\\nor a Controlled Eater, as this will help determine the course of their\\ndiet in regards to snacking, purchasing food and meal portions. Next,\\nthey are allowed to choose a few non-negotiables, i.e., the things they\\nfeel they cannot live without.


Once these guidelines are intact, Bauer offers strategies for\\ndealing with the food choices most working people confront daily (for\\nordering in with co-workers, take note of the healthy menu options\\nbeforehand, and don\\u2019t succumb to dishes like General Tso\\u2019s Chicken).\\nThough Bauer\\u2019s diet consists of nothing earth-shattering (avoid flour\\nand refined sugar, control portion sizes, etc.), the specificity of the\\nsituations and solutions presented should appeal to its target audience\\nwho are busy people.

\\n\\n\\nFor more Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy check out our new Wellness Minutes\\nblog where we give you in depth information on health, fitness and\\nweight loss topics in 3 minutes or less every single day. Now available on iTunes right here

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