Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Dr Gerard Musante, Author of The Structure House Weight Loss Plan

Published: April 29, 2008, 11 a.m.

b'First we will podcast our weekly\\nDr Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show in its entirety then we\\u2019ll\\nrelease just the guest interviews throughout the week.\\nSo please\\nclick POD to listen to this recent interview from the Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat\\nGuy Radio Show. Or now you can subscribe to just the interviews from our radio show on iTunes by clicking this link.

On tonight\\u2019s show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy learn all about how\\nstructure can help you lose weight. We get this info right from the horse\'s mouth, Dr Gerard Musante, author of The Structure\\nHouse Weight Loss Plan joined us. One of the key takeaways\\nfrom this interview was Dr Musante\\u2019s statement that \\u201cFood can be the\\nbest medicine OR the worst poison for your body.? Remember that the\\nnext time you supersize something!\\n

The Structure House Weigh Loss Plan focuses on changing\\nyourself in deeper, more significant, more durable ways than what you\\ncan measure simply by standing on your bathroom scale. He talks about\\nchanging how you view yourself. Changing your relationship with food.\\nChanging your choices about how to live your life. Changing your\\nattitude about change itself.


For over thirty years, Dr Musante has helped overweight and obese\\nmen and women learn about change at Structure House, the residential\\nprogram he founded in Durham, North Carolina.\\nApproximately one thousand people participate in their programs there\\neach year. It\'s like a college campus. Some people are 10, 20, 30 pounds\\nover their desired weight. Others are even heavier and\\nwould be considered obese. Still others are morbidly obese\\u2014so\\noverweight that their health is in immediate jeopardy.


Almost all of the people who have come to Structure House understand\\nthat being overweight can lead to medical problems such as diabetes,\\ncardiovascular disease, hypertension, and other serious health risks.\\nThese people stay at Structure House for a weekend, a month, and learn\\nfirst hand about the possibilities for change and about the skills that\\nmake change possible. For more information about Dr Musante\\u2019s book\\n(which is now available in paperback) and his amazing program please go\\nto his website www.structurehouse.com

\\n\\nFor more Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy check out our new Wellness Minutes\\nblog where we give you in depth information on health, fitness and\\nweight loss topics in 3 minutes or less every single day. Now available on iTunes right here

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