Episode 72: The thief always returns to the scene of the crime!

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 6 p.m.

b'Short Description: Surf and Turf realize that many expensive looking eggs were left at the Wallace mansion\\u2026. Now it is crawling with private guards and city guards. But! I mean\\u2026. We cannot just leave the eggs, right?!\\n\\xa0\\nDouble Doubles and Dragons presents the Adventures of Surf and Turf. This ragtag group of escaped slaves turned adventurers has been taken into a heavily guarded settlement known only as \\u201cThe Stronghold\\u201d. Trying to earn the trust of this settlement has put the group on a series of quests to climb the ranks of the so-called Adventurers Guild. Surf and Turf features the likes of Nim (Mike), Kenna (Britt), Dis (Brennan), Lazarus (Cody), and is led by the all-powerful DM (Jesse).\\nIf you would like to know more about us, or would like to submit questions, suggestions, art work, or any feedback please see our various pages below.\\nDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/GGg6euf\\nContact Email: DDandDragonsContact@gmail.com\\n(Under Construction) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Double-Doubles-Dragons-642594832825557\\nYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmKC2b56JJwiZb5hxZVCOg\\nSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5Jkp9xAjqLbF4q5eDywJx5?si=DTAuEvcXRHu3zu_cJ_7RRg\\niTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/double-doubles-and-dragons/id1460169803\\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/DDandDragons'