DTD591 Additional - Maccessibility live post-Apple-event-round-up and My Pod update

Published: Sept. 12, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Wow that's a lot of hyphens. I wonder if 'update' should actually have one too? Anyway, I digress. This is a quick update/up-date of the My Pod skill we covered recently, as well as a shout-out for the live Maccessibility stream starting today promptly after the end of the great Apple event of September 2018 (in which we all found out how much money we're going to have to shell out in the coming weeks). You can listen to the stream at maccessibility.net or using the My Pod skill on your Echo. Also feel free to follow @Maccessibility on Twitter and use #VOLive to interact with us - oh and why not follow me (@USA2DAY) while you're at it too?