DTD241 The slightly creepy update episode

Published: Sept. 27, 2017, 8 a.m.

Today we briefly revisit, with the help of the A-lady and in a not-altogether-uncreepy way, some key episode sthat newer listeners may have misssed. They cover those important built-in functions that every Echo fan should know about. They are episode #2 on Wikipedia, #7 on connecting the A-lady to your phone, #9 on the built-in calendar function, #11 on playing radio stations and podcasts on TuneIn, #27 on adding music to your Echo without going Unlimited, #30 included tips on built-in timers and alarms, #47 was about buying from Amazon using the A-lady, #52 was on playing Audible books, #69 was the built-in Kindle book reading function, #104 was about new built-in voice calling and messaging features, #113 on connecting to a Bluetooth speaker, #139 on the new reminder notifications and last but not least was #216 which included a bunch of updates about asking the A-lady for tips or to play a game, giving your timers a name and setting alarms for specific days). Phew!