Jak naprawic agile - wywiad z Tomem Gilbem [ENG]? | Dostarczaj Wartosc #3

Published: Dec. 17, 2018, 7 a.m.


PL: W trzecim odcinku porozmawiam z Tomem Gilbem, kt\\xf3ry odpowie na pytania:
* co z\\u0142ego jest w obecnym nurcie Agile?
* jak mo\\u017cna go naprawi\\u0107?
* dlaczego powinni\\u015bmy si\\u0119 skupi\\u0107 na dostarczaniu warto\\u015bci?
* dlaczego mierzenie jest istotnym elementem procesu?
* jak sta\\u0107 si\\u0119 lepszym i bardziej \\u015bwiadomym in\\u017cynierem system\\xf3w?

Dzisiejszy odcinek nagrany jest w j\\u0119zyku angielski.

EN: In the third episode, I will talk with Tom Gilb, who will answer the following questions:
* what's wrong with the current Agile trend?
* how can you fix it?
* why should we focus on providing value?
* why measuring is an important element of the process?
* how to become a better and more aware system engineer?

Today's episode is recorded in English, but the intro was recorded in Polish.\\xa0
