Doors of Deception Radio -Connie Huft (episode 9)

Published: April 20, 2011, midnight

Connie Huft (episode 9) Connie Huft has an incredible story of her paranormal experience with demons that came into her life through the curse of a witch! She was raised in a Christian home, yet renting a room from a witch caused her to be plagued with a demonic manifestation that included sleep paralysis, and figures appearing all around her bed at night. Through much trial and struggle she was rescued in the most supernatural event of Biblical proportions! Connie was determined to find out how this happened to her and began researching the supernatural which culminated in an awesome book; "Know Thine Enemy" which is available at Connie's web site.

I hope you will join us for a fascinating interview with an incredible woman of strength and resolve.

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