A Price Above Rubies

Published: Sept. 19, 2013, 1 a.m.

Welcome to our new show! "A Price Above Rubies" it is 4 women who love the Lord with all their hearts and who study His Word. We want to understand the times we are living in, we want to understand the role of women in these times, and most of all, we want to be the Bride who is readying herself for her groom. Our wedding day is coming soon! So we are going to start with the book of Ruth because it has a lot to say about being a bride and being a virtuous woman.
We will be joined on our first episode by Matthew Miller from "The Prophetico" and he will join us along the way as we begin to study what the Lord has to say about women.
I truly hope that you will glean much from this study of the book of Ruth. 
We look forward to sharing with all of you and learning together, and we pray that we are a blessing to you.
Please join Debra, Cheri, Jenni, and me as we ready ourselves for what is to come!

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