#69: Chris Hogan—4 Obstacles to a Happy Retirement and How to Overcome Them

Published: Nov. 6, 2017, 10 a.m.

You’re going to retire someday. And we’re not talking about just a few years of your life. People are living longer. More people will live to 100 than ever. So you might be in financial stress for a good 20 to 25 years of your life if you don’t make some changes. Worse, you could end up becoming a burden to the people you love the most. That’s not a pretty picture, but there’s some good news. Donald Miller sits down with Chris Hogan, the author of Retire Inspired, on the Building a StoryBrand podcast. He calls his book “America’s wake-up call” and his goal is to motivate you to think about retirement now and think about it differently. http://buildingastorybrand.com/69