#43: David McKeown—How to Predict Whether or Not Your Business Will Succeed

Published: May 8, 2017, 9 a.m.

What if there were a roadmap that showed you all the major milestones your business was going to hit as it grows? Wouldn’t it be great to know what’s coming next and how to navigate well? That framework exists, and we’re going to explore it in depth on this week’s episode of the Building a StoryBrand podcast. Donald Miller sits down with David McKeown of PredictableSuccess.com. He and his father Les have developed this framework over decades, and they’ve seen it prove out in countless companies, regardless of their size or industry. When you understand these seven stages, you’ll understand how to strike a perfect balance between innovation and processes. And when that happens, the success of your business becomes a lot more predictable. Listen now and take the guesswork out of growing your small business. Get the worksheet that goes along with this episode at http://buildingastorybrand.com/43 to help you apply what you learned in the interview to your business.