End of Year Wrap-Up

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 7:31 p.m.

And just like that…lol, it’s the last episode of the year!

I cut my hair, new holiday traditions, podcast on break until late January, a wrap-up of the episodes you should catch up on from this year.

Episodes 1-3(old Intercultured Podcast): My birth stories and a medical story. Scroll way back.

Maternal Mental Health (2 Parts)- taking care of moms beyond postpartum

Keeping Families Together w/ Santa Maria Hostel: Medical kidnapping and the importance of keeping children with mothers even through substance abuse recovery

Healing Series (3 Parts)

Womanships- Friendships for grown women and new mamas

Parenting Athletes

Happy Holidays! Be safe! We’ll talk next year!
Until then, take care of yourself. Take care of each other!