My Own Private Idaho (1991)

Published: June 9, 2023, 4:59 p.m.

We keep things going for this month’s MOVIES ARE GAY theme with a film that was a turning point in the popularity of modern queer cinema. We’re talking about Gus Van Sant’s 1991 classic “My Own Private Idaho” starring the late great River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves in one of his earliest acclaimed roles playing street hustlers. Mikey (River Phoenix) is desperately coping with the intense loss he has felt in his life and the trauma has left him narcoleptic. There’s some Shakespeare stuff her as well. Also, Mike’s brother, Roger, is definitely also his dad. We interpreted that scene differently and lightly debated it but it’s literally the fucked up thing they said. Damn. This movie is also very funny. I swear. Subscribe to our Youtube: Contact: Our OG podcast “Documenteers”: Soundcloud feed: Twitch: Instagram: Twitter: @CultureRotter