Who's He? Podcast #282 Don't you love farce?

Published: Sept. 25, 2017, 6:14 a.m.


In this episode Phil and Paul have another crack at a Target novelisation with The Greatest Show In The Galaxy by Stephen Wyatt. As neither Phil nor Paul are particular fans of McCoys era on TV, they were both afraid that this read would be a struggle. However, as Phil has a soft spot for this story and Paul doesn\'t it didn\'t bode well for this review but the pair of them surprised each other when they started talking and they also decide who Peggy Mount could take in a fight.

And in a change to the normal schedule, Phil talks to writer Andrew Smith about Doctor Who and most importantly his 10K run in aid of the Lily Foundation, a charity that is very important to him. So sit back and enjoy and don\'t forget to donate!

Andrew Smith Just Giving Page:


Twitter: @Andr3wSmith

The Lily Foundation:


Twitter: @4LilyFoundation
