Radio Free Skaro #299 - Star Trek XII: So Very Tired

Published: Feb. 26, 2012, 4:54 p.m.


Gally is over for another year. While the Three Who Rule briefly reminisce about the glory that was Gallifrey One's Network 23 in this episode of Radio Free Skaro, it's back to normal for podcaster and listener alike for the next few months - at least until next year's The 24 Hours of Gallifrey One, or y'know, until the new series of Doctor Who starts in the autumn. To help us get back into the swing of things, we present to you a commentary on the 2011 Doctor Who Christmas special, The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe, as well as a smattering of news and views of what was missed while we were all living it up at Gally.



Sigh...we miss Gally.



Check out the show notes at
