DO 029 : An Homage to Mentors - Justin Yates and Chad Wade - God's Gifts to the Entrepreneur

Published: June 16, 2011, 3:58 p.m.

Late in the evening on June 1st I received the tragic news that two very close friends of mine were killed in a small plane crash in Wendover, Utah.

You know them actually... Justin Yates and Chad Wade. They've both been guests on the show, and Chad as recently as a few weeks ago. Needless to say, it's a sad time for me and all of my work took a back seat for a while. It was very difficult to concentrate.

Both Justin and Chad left behind young children, loved ones and countless friends that held them in the highest regard. The news affected an extremely large community. My heart goes out to their families.

As you know from the show, they were both cherished mentors of mine. As amazing as they were, they were not perfect. They both experienced huge successes and huge failures, and huge successes again. They were "Do Over" personified as they lead by example of never giving up. My life, as well as thousands of lives, is better because they were here. I only hope people will say something remotely the same about me when my time comes.

Life is precious, and short. It's certainly too short to spend one minute doing something that makes you unhappy. We all have one shot to get this thing called "life" right, and when it's done... it's done.

Give a big hug today to those that you love... and continue to do so as often as possible, and cherish every instance as if it were the last. You just never know when our time will be up. Today's show is dedicated to Justin Yates and Chad Wade in celebration of their lives, and I can't think of a more fitting opportunity to celebrate the lessons they taught me and share them with you.

Cheers, peace and blessings to you, and to your successful "do over."

Justin and Chad... this one's for you!

e back later next week to resume my "do over" work.