DO 005 : Stephen Gregg, Success, Napoleon Hill's "Do What the Wealthy Do" Homework

Published: Nov. 21, 2010, 12:53 a.m.

Multi-million dollar network marketer, Stephen Gregg, shares how he lost it all and how he's almost got it all back by implementing the "key" to taking control of a business. The inspiring story of Gregg is filled with life-changing information that anyone down on their luck can take to the bank... literally. In fact, he imparts some words of wisdom to anyone that's experiencing a low point in their life on how they will pull themselves up so they can enjoy life again. The Do Over Guy closes the show by extracting a hidden gem buried in the teachings of Napoleon Hill and assigns the lesson as the "Do What the Wealthy Do" homework. If at first you don’t succeed… Do Over! Discover a better life. Get lasting results. Easier. Faster. Smarter. Learn why your success will be lasting this time when it wasn't then by implementing the ignored, underestimated and unknown steps to producing results.