Ep.31: Remi Harris author of the "Easy money?" guide on UK Music Funding (DMT 1-

Published: Oct. 17, 2013, 2:36 p.m.

This week on the 1-2-1 show an interview with Remi Harris, author of MusicTank's "Easy money? The definitive UK guide to funding music projects". The guide is a comprehensive look at all the funding options that artists or independent labels can tap into in the UK in order to get specific projects off the ground and you can find it by visiting http://musictank.co.uk (the first chapter is free to download). MusicTank is hosting an "Easy Money?" funding conference in London on the 22nd of October so if you're interested in hearing more and you're in the capital head on to their website.

I really hope you enjoy the show, have a great week and 'till next time!

Andrea Leonelli