What is an Annuity and is it right for me?

Published: Jan. 27, 2016, midnight

Many are neverous when they hear the word Investing, or competitive savings options after the economic boom of 2008.  Understandly, many Americans trusted people to invest our hard earned money wisely but it was not.  After the dust has settled since the scandal in 2008, many are still left wondering what options are available outside of their 401K.  This call will help answer what a safe investment is and isn't, how the insurance companies are able to do it and if it's the right option for you and your family.   If you are looking to roll your 401K into another plan, this call is for you. If you have money saved up and it's growing sloooow, this call is for you. If you have come into some money like an inheritance, this call is truly for you.   Join me live and get your questions answered about this tax deferred plan that will help you build your account while elinimating the risk of loss.