KING'S PHILOSOPHY: The Latent Power Of the Soul ...Part # 2

Published: Sept. 22, 2020, midnight

b'What about a NEW BEGINNING?\\xa0 Don\'t we actually see this as our new reality?\\xa0 That would be a "yes" because all of the\\xa0world is in a place of needing to become spiritually evolve through having a global spiritual evolution that will remove the need for "Revolt" and\\xa0 wars and rumors of war against our physical existence.\\xa0 The world was created to become a place of pain and suffering.\\xa0 there is no\\xa0"Logic" without LOGOS! In other words, everything begins with thought and thoughts create things and things make the world a plus or a minus for your living experience! The total equation of our living is about sharing our experiences but\\xa0nobody is willing to speak the\\xa0language of life and love without confusion. INTERESTING!\\n\\nWE ARE NOT POWERLESS EARTHLINGS. Although,we all are currently earthbound, our freedom is within the spirit of truth.\\xa0 The SOUL knows how to communicate with Spirit But, we are too busy blocking the way to truth and love because of negative vibration we refuse to discard.\\xa0 That is the way we all are acting and the time ihas come to change the way we think to stop the MADNESS.\\xa0All things are spirit but we have been deliberately detached from the rituals that provide real love\\xa0by\\xa0counterfeit activities and attachments to loving the things that only come to\\xa0decieve us from obtaining the truth!!!'