New Moon in Cancer (7/20) - From Surviving to Thriving in the New Normal

Published: July 18, 2020, 8:32 p.m.

b'In this episode of Divine Downloads, Cassandra Bodzak gives her intuitive energy forecast about this July 20, 2020 New Moon in Cancer and how it\\u2019s energy will be effecting us and pushing us to discover and embrace the practices and rituals the will nourish us on a soul-level. This New Moon is ready to take us from surviving to thriving! Listen in to see how.\\n\\n\\n\\nGet the FREE New Moon in Cancer workshop + Divine Healing Spa Meditation here:\\n\\n\\n\\nJoin us for the Clarity, Miracles and Momentum VIRTUAL Retreat next weekend to quantum shift and step into your next level of your life:\\n\\n'