Unlocking Your Ultimate Potential with Dr. Karen Jacobson

Published: Dec. 17, 2014, 7 p.m.

On today's episode of DivaTalkRadio, Dr. Karen Jacobson (Dr. J) is our special guest. Dr. J will share how to elevate your performance by Being F.I.T. The key strategies of Focus, Intention  and Transformation as that affect your in brain, body and business to create lasting changes that allow you maximize your natural resources. Feed you brain and sharpen your mind, build a better body and a winning business so you can  unlock your ultimate potential and live an extraordinary life! Dr. Jacobson peers have recognized her as a health and wellness expert who focuses her practice on the Mind-body Connection and its effects on self-healing and the human potential. Her own experience with the miracle of naturally healing from Systemic Lupus taught her that there are no limits to what we can create. Health and healing come from within and are guided by our personal blueprint, which is based on our perception of the world, mindset, emotions and beliefs system.   When Dr. Jacobson turned 17, she was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. She spent four years in and out of hospitals dealing with this devastating disease. At her lowest point both physically and emotionally, she made the choice to turn away from traditional medicine and begin a path of self-discovery and natural healing – a journey which ultimately lead to her complete recovery.  She earned a Doctorate in Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College back in 1992. Alongside her practice, she developed her passion for creative expression through song, dance, and acting. Her time spent as a competitive Latin Ballroom dancer and performer has inspired a series of leadership talks that motivate the world to embrace their creativity to achieve greater levels of influence, communication and teamwork.