Homeless Teenage Mother to Successful Corporate Executive

Published: May 11, 2011, 6 p.m.

Overwhelmed: The Life of a Single Mom is Jennifer Maggio's journey from homeless teenage mother to successful corporate executive in one of the nation's largest Fortune 500 Companies. As the tale unfolds, revealing personal tragedies of death, abuse, molestation, and poverty, her voice is added to the chorus o f more than 17 million single mothers in the United States. When Baton Rouge author and speaker, Jennifer Barnes Maggio wrote Overwhelmed: The Life of a Single Mom, she had no idea the success it would achieve.  For seven years, Maggio walked the single parenting journey.  She is now dedicated to encouraging single moms around the world and helping them realize their dreams. Maggio launched HPC Single Moms three years ago through her local church with only three women.  The ministry has now grown more than 700% and it ministers to hundreds of single mothers, teaching them parenting, money management, and emotional stability.  Maggio has now helped to launch or grow more than 50 single parent ministries. Join Kelli & Gina as they discuss the trials and victories Jennifer went through and where she is today. This show will encourage you, so invite your friends and family to tune in too!