Dress to Manifest with Fashionista Stephanie Ford

Published: June 1, 2011, 6 p.m.

MEin5D® (me in five dimensions) is the way to Dress To Manifest™ your unique personality characteristics. Through the application of MEin5D Style Guides, the Holistic Fashion and Lifestyle concept explores how design elements (e.g. color, material, silhouettes) can be used to activate and enhance empowering aspects of the personality. MEin5D’s mission is to inspire self exploration and authentic expression of the individual. Stephanie Ford was born in Washington D.C. in October 1982. Raised mainly in the suburbs of Maryland she was fortunate to be exposed to diversity and culture on an international level during childhood. While many interests were fleeting she was drawn to nature, exploration and had a tendency to make cardboard handbags for craft projects. After completing undergraduate studies in Business Management and Marketing at Drexel University in 2005, Stephanie entered the corporate world working for an IT consulting firm. Instantly stifled by the 9-5 grind Stephanie decided that an immediate re-evaluation of her life goals and expectations was in order. She relocated to Paris in January 2008 in discovery of the creative side of life and to complete post graduate studies in Fashion Design Management at IFM (Institut Français de la Mode). Impassioned and inspired by her experience in the French Fashion world and her rapid acquisition of the French language Stephanie decided to leave the IFM in 2009 to pursue the creation and development of MEin5D®. Join us on the next DivaTalkRadio as we talk to Stephanie about fashion, personal styles, and empowerment!