Happy New Year, We Survived 2020 - Netflix Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise, HBO Max Wonder Woman 1984, Sony PlayStation Cinematic Universe?,

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 6 a.m.

HBO Max Wonder Woman 1984 review, Netflix Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise, Sony PlayStation Cinematic Universe, Mace Windu back in Star Wars?, DCEU doubling down on HBO Max and theaters, KFC gaming console is real, Nintendo GameBoy add on that was never released, Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults,  

Happy new year everyone and welcome to Dissecting This Fiction! Its episode 74, so come join along as co-hosts Jessica and Steven go over the latest in movies, tv shows, and games.

What's On The Exam Table?

In TV and movie news, Hollywood is shutting down filming again for a handful of shows like Shameless and Brooklyn Nine Nine. Furiosa, Coyote v Acme, and The Boss Baby sequel all get new release dates. Rubiks Cube is getting a game adaptation to the big screen and little screen. Speaking of game adaptations, the Resident Evil reboot has officially finished filming, and no this is the other Resident evil thing. There's a lot of them. Star Wars on Twitter may be teasing Mace Windu returning to the franchise. I remember the first time I caught that tease by Lucas Films. Dr. Who might be getting another regeneration of the lead character after rumors that Jodie Whittaker has quit. Discovery Plus is a new streaming service that wants you to pay to watch the shows that you only watch when you cant think of anything better and give up looking. Roku is in talks to acquire the Quibi library. Warner Bros is focused on DC content for the foreseeable future. It sounds like it will be without Ray Fisher as Cyborg from his recent comments regarding DC Film President Walter Hamada. Legendary has plans to challenge WB over the announced release of Dune on HBO Max instead of theaters. Speaking of HBO Max, WW84 and Soul square off for the battle of the streaming services and we have some stats for their releases and reception for Wonder Woman 1984. It is already getting a third film so that should be some indication, right? Lastly, Sony has finally figured out that having PlayStation properties could be useful for making more money in Hollywood.

In Reviews, we watched the 4 part documentary Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults and from what we can tell it has to be fiction! We can't explain it otherwise. Netflix's second installment of the Transformers War for Cybertron series, Earthrise, released and we give our thoughts. Wonder Woman 1984 has finally released on HBO Max and we give our review on the highly anticipated sequel. It's mostly spoiler free, but we have a 10 min spoiler dive near the end of the conversation. Keep your ears open for the warning.

In gaming news, Sony puts a warning on games for the PS5 for PS4 games, so you know which version you are playing. KFC is now trying to seduce gamers with a gaming console. Nintendo buys the developer behind Luigi's Mansion 3, Next Level Games. An ancient Gameboy add on is found after never being released to consumers. Phil Spencer wants to improve Xbox Series X and S production. Lastly, CD Projekt Red is being sued by investors over the drama behind the production of Cyberpunk 2077.

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