App-to-Table: How Tech Can Help Restaurants Rebound

Published: July 21, 2020, 9 a.m.

Building a successful company takes a community, and SkipTheDishes is no different. A Winnipeg success story, the food delivery platform has over 25,000 restaurants in its community. John Stackhouse sits down with SkipTheDishes CEO Kevin Edwards, who shares the founding story of Skip, how the company is helping its restaurant community with a $24 million commitment during COVID-19, and why the company is so focused on building a supportive environment for the next tech success story. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The future of restaurants is a hybrid – the ones that will thrive will draw people in but also reach out to customers and connect with them in unique ways. 
  • Restaurants need to become digital natives and harness the power of social to engage their customers.
  • Canada has no shortage of tech talent, but for tech companies to thrive, they need to scale, and to harness the power of data.