Things We Think Won't Break | Is Self Care Self Focus?

Published: May 22, 2023, 4 a.m.

Things We Think Won't Break | Is Self Care Self Focus?

Are you wrestling with the concept of self-improvement as a Christian? Does it feel like a tug-of-war between focusing on yourself and focusing on God? This episode of the Disrupted Faith Podcast delves into the complex intersection of the Gospel and self-improvement.

We challenge the traditional perspective that self-improvement is self-focused and therefore negative, exploring the unintended consequences this view might have on our personal and spiritual growth. We journey through the maze of understanding the balance between self-improvement and God-reliance, and how these seemingly disparate concepts can harmoniously coexist.

Listen in as we unravel the concept of sanctification as both a divine intervention and a personal pursuit. Through practical suggestions and authentic conversations, we shed light on how you can engage in a balanced, gospel-centered self-improvement process that keeps God at the helm.

This episode promises an eye-opening exploration of how personal growth and reliance on God are two sides of the same coin. We're here to challenge your perspective and help you grow in Christ in ways you might not have thought about before.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we disrupt tradition, challenge norms, and help you navigate the tricky waters of self-improvement in the light of the Gospel. It's time to rethink, reassess, and rediscover your faith in a whole new way. Don't miss out!"

Remember, if you enjoy our conversation, consider subscribing to join us on this journey of disruptive faith. Let's disrupt together.

Take a listen! If you enjoy this podcast please write us a review we would love to hear from you!



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