DMT 105 – Deezer's round, Soundcloud & Getty,, Pandora's (cash) box

Published: Oct. 11, 2012, 11:33 p.m.

This week on Digital Music Trends Andrea Leonelli (@digimusictrends), Stephen O'Reilly (@steoreilly) and Darren Hemmings (@mr_trick) talk about Deezer's new round of funding, Pandora's royalties revelations, Soundcloud partnering with Getty to offer licensing opportunities to its users,'s earnings, the Redigi case on second hand music and much more!

Here's a link to the week's Shownotes with links to all the stories that we used as reference as well as the stories that we didn't manage to talk about:

I hope you enjoy the show, have a great week and 'till next time!


Andrea Leonelli