Three Signs Of Burnout - Address These Before Its Too Late

Published: Nov. 13, 2019, 11 a.m.

The steady path of continuous improvement can be derailed by burnout.  This situation can not only halt progress, but it can also cause us to fall backward.  The time and progress lost can be difficult to regain and cause a significant setback.  Therefore, we need to be aware of the signs of burnout and be prepared to make changes before it is too late.

The Feeling of Being In A Rut

One of the first signs of burnout is that sense of being in a rut.  The days start to run together, and progress is hard to recognize.  This state can be due to an actual spinning of wheels on a project or might be entirely in your mind.  In any case, your approach to each day is that you need to go through the motions again. You do that knowing tomorrow will be more of the same.  This lack of looking forward to anything of substance is very similar to experiencing burnout.  Thus, when you find yourself struggling to find or focus on goals, burnout might be right around the corner.

A Lack Of Drive

Lack of drive goes hand-in-hand with being in a rut.  I am not even sure you can have one without the other.  While the first item saps your desire to make progress, this one drains your desire to do anything.  Think about as someone running in circles and eventually wearing out from that effort.  This is the point where burnout truly begins.  Once your drive to progress dies, burnout comes next.  This point is not at that complete lack of drive state, though.  Once you see your general happiness and desire to make progress fade, then you want to make changes.  You are starting in a downward spiral at that point, so you need to get out of it.

Looking For Excuses To Avoid Work

The other items on this list almost guarantee this third one.  Once you find yourself unhappy or depressed about your work, then you will be happy to avoid it.  We all have valid reasons to put off work and things we should do.  However, when you are finding the most random and unimportant busywork to avoid your primary tasks, then you are showing one of the signs of burnout.

Burnout and How To Avoid It While Staying Productive