Side Hustle Ideas From Your Annual Review and Planning

Published: Dec. 14, 2020, 11 a.m.

Every year we find ourselves reviewing what was done and planning for the months ahead.  We do this as part of crafting New Year's resolutions or to plan for our business.  When we have a side hustle that makes this time more valuable.  As an incentive for you to get your planning and review done, here are some side hustle ideas that can come from this investment.

Seasonal Problems As Side Hustle Ideas

Seasonal problems are some of the most frustrating.  We suffer through them each season.  However, we tend to forget about them once the season passes.  Then we see it again and do not have the time to craft a solution that we can use now.  Instead of falling into this trap, keep some notes of your annual tasks and challenges.  You might find some valuable ideas for a product to create in the year ahead.

Recurring Problems and Obstacles

Any review has the possibility (maybe even the goal) of highlighting challenges or pain points.  Those are both critical starting points for a good product.  They often even lead to full-blown side hustles.  We often look at these review items to improve our productivity or business in the future.  However, these findings can be better used as side hustle ideas that help others and ourselves.

Niche Products

It is common to hear that the riches are in the niches.  When we do year-end reviews, we are often in a niche mindset.  That means we are in a good place to come up with new side hustle ideas.  We have repetitive tasks or annoying ones that we will be happy to reduce the time spent on them in the future.  These are often specific to a business and not just your business.  That adds up to an opportunity to create a niche application that scratches your own itch.