Research and Preparation For An Interview

Published: April 13, 2020, 10 a.m.

We spend a lot of time doing the work that makes us a better developer.  Nevertheless, there is still some work we need to do as part of selling those skills.  Research and preparation for a job or interview are highly valuable tasks for us to take on.  These steps can help us feel comfortable and impress in an interview or as part of our brand site.

Answering Questions - Solving Problems

You will not spend much time looking at marketing heavy sites without seeing answers to unasked questions.  That is a technique that is highly effective in drawing in prospects.  Think about it.  When you are looking for an answer to a question, and someone starts a conversation implying they will provide a solution, they will have your attention.  This fact plays into our research and preparation work.  We will be looking for likely problems so we can lead the conversation to how we can provide solutions.

Understand the Business

The number one outcome of our research should be an understanding of the business.  Yes, it is helpful to understand the titles and fundamental background of the interviewers.  However, it is more valuable to have a solid foundation of knowledge about their organization and competition.  These pieces of information will help you determine their pain points and problems they have already solved.  That allows you to spend your time selling them on what you can add rather than what they already know.

Ask Questions, Be Proactive

The goal of this research is not to keep you from asking questions.  Instead, you should be in a position to ask well-informed questions.  These will ideally lead the interviewers to see where you add value to their requirements.  When you can show them areas that you will exceed expectations, you will quickly separate yourself from the competition.  You will be seen as useful and that much more memorable.  In the best situations, you will be able to imply that your position with their company will be invaluable.

Episode Challenge: Do some research on an upcoming project or company even if it is a vendor meeting.

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