Marketing or Narcissism - How Much Is Too Much

Published: April 17, 2020, 10 a.m.

When we build a personal brand, there is a certain amount of "bragging" we need to do.  This form of marketing can be seen as pure narcissism at times.  While that is not a concern as much as we may think so, it is still an area worth considering.  Sometimes you can go too far, and then is it marketing or narcissism?

Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey

Two perfect examples of over-the-top marketing are Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey.  The political nature of Trump has brought out those that accuse him of narcissism, but that is more recent.  There is a difference between these two personal brands. However, both trumpet their features and successes steadily and often.  I think it also gives us examples of how we can find a level of comfort between marketing or narcissism.  It may also help us feel more comfortable with mentioning our accomplishments in a resume, brand, or interview.

Oprah Everywhere

I am not sure anyone has accused Oprah of being a narcissist.  However, when you look at her content, you will see her name and image everywhere.  That could imply she thinks highly of herself.  On the other hand, look at any brand site like Nike, Coca-Cola, or similar huge brands.  You will see logos everywhere, and the product names mentioned heavily.  That is a part of marketing and building a brand.  Make it synonymous with your goals.  Oprah uses her name all over because it is content created by her organization. She wants everyone to associate her with what she produced.  That builds brand awareness, and it has worked for her.  Who would not want to see a stamp of endorsement from Oprah to help their product?

Subtle or Flagrant

We all know the hard sale person that is continuously driving towards a close.  I think Trump is that guy.  He is always on message trying to make his name synonymous with high quality or success.  Oprah has the same goals.  However, she surrounds herself with things and people that point to her rather than doing it herself.  Both of these approaches have pros and cons.

On the other hand, one approach seems to be less polarizing.  While the approach of letting your work stand on its own may not always be feasible, there is a strong message it can give.  Keep these personal brand masters in mind as you work on yours.

Episode Challenge: Review your site and resume.  Do these tell a story about you that is what you want readers to know?

Read more about advancing your career.