Destroy All Movies Ep.#279-Fast 6

Published: Feb. 8, 2014, 9:28 p.m.

Destroy All Movies Ep.#279-Fast 6

Once more we shift into high gear and ride along with the Toretto crew. Plus the Aca-DAM-ee Awards nominations announced.


The 5th Third Annual Aca-DAM-ee Award Nominations

Email your entries by February 25th to win the coveted T-Shirt.


Actor - Robert Downey Jr-iron Man 3

Tom Hanks-Capt. Phillips

Gipsy Danger-Pacific Rim


Actress - Teresa Palmer-Warm Bodies

Rila Fukushima-The Wolverine

Gwyneth Paltro-Iron Man 3


Supprting Actor - Barkhad Abdi-Capt. Phillips

James Franco-This is the End

Tom Hiddleston-Thor 2


Supporting Actress - Amy Adams-Man of Steel

Renee Russo-Thor 2

Emma Watson-This is the end


Director - Shane Black-Iron Man 3

Paul Greengrass-Capt. Phillips

Alan Taylor-Thor 2


Picture - Captain Phillips - Iron man 3 - This is the End




Actor - Jaden Smith - After Earth

Tyler Perry-Alex Cross

Gerard Butler-Playing for Keeps


Actress - Kristen Stewart-Twilight

Maggie Grace-Taken 2

Olga Kuryenko-Oblivion


Supporting Actor - Ryan Gosling-Gangster Squad

Jeff Bridges-RIPD

Jamie Fox-White House Down


Supporting Actress - Gal Gadot-Fast 6

Gina Carano-Fast 6

Michelle Rodriguez-Fast 6


The Michael Bay Memorial Worst Director Award

M. Knight Shayamalan-After Earth

Gore Verbinski-The Lone Ranger

Michael Bay-Pain and Gain


Picture - RIPD - Pain And Gain - After Earth