Man in the Mirror: A place called Galilee

Published: May 20, 2018, 10 a.m.

Today's installment of our series "Man in the Mirror" takes a break from looking at ourselves through different characters in the Bible and shifts gears to look at life through the region of The Galilee. Jesus spent most of his time in ministry in this region. It was a place of beauty, relationships, and miracles, but it was also a place of unbelief, rejection, and challenging people. Do you see yourself in a few of these descriptions? How about all of them? Galilee is a mix of cultures, situations, and beliefs; much like life today. We are called to get into the fray; to intentionally build relationships with those whom we may not be like; To engage in those situations that may not be perfect or may make us a little uncomfortable: All done with overflowing grace through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Are you holding out for that perfect moment to jump into life? This is your day to dive head-first into the Galilee!