EP29 - The 10 m Sprint

Published: April 6, 2016, 4:01 p.m.


Determining the length of the iteration gives you as a Product Owner, the pace of change. Knowing when to plan, be able to deliver something to customers, and when you can change your mind is all based around the sprints.  By keeping to the timebox, you can build toward some level of predictability and rhythm. While it’s not solely up to the PO to decide, you should have input and discussions with the team and stakeholders to make it work.



twitter - @deliveritcast

email - deliveritcast@gmail.com



Co-host Post - http://deliveritcast.com/looking-for-a-new-co-host

Cory - https://dontyellatme.wordpress.com/2016/03/29/efficient-vs-effective/

Dave West - https://getbadges.io/blog/3-questions-about-being-a-product-owner

Mishkin Berteig - 21 tips on choosing a sprint length

Mike Cohn - Who picks the sprint length on a scrum team

Mike Levison - Choosing sprint length shorter trumps longer