EP28 - Standing Up

Published: March 23, 2016, 4:01 p.m.


Even though it’s a team meeting, the stand up gives the Product Owner a great opportunity to learn and listen to the work in progress. As PO’s, we should be looking for the chance to discuss the why, clarify what you meant, or approve of a story that is done. Today’s episode has some strategies you can use to contribute to the meeting, tips to make sure you don’t take it over, and tricks to make sure the focus stays on the team.  



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email - deliveritcast@gmail.com



Co-host Post - http://deliveritcast.com/looking-for-a-new-co-host

Jason Yip - http://martinfowler.com/articles/itsNotJustStandingUp.html

Tom Cagley - https://tcagley.wordpress.com/2016/03/15/beginning-agile-active-passive-and-inattentive-listening/

Debbie Madden - 4 tips for launching minimum viable products inside big companies

Dr Jim - http://theaccidentalpm.com/z-product/how-do-you-manage-a-product-that-is-a-massive-hit